The leaves have fallen, baseball season has transitioned into football season, and students are settled in back at school, all sure signs that Autumn has arrived. Here at Q Laboratories, we consider every season back-to-school season because we recognize the need always to continue learning.
Whether it is re-training on the performance of a method or getting an in-depth look at the latest technology, our analysts are aware that the knowledge they possess when hired at Q Laboratories is merely a baseline, and they are required to continue their education as long as they are members of our staff.

Continuing education does not just involve attending outside training, or simply reading and repeating new or modified methods. We consider learning from one’s colleagues, who can share the knowledge gained from many years working in this complex industry, to be an essential part of the training process. Experience is often the best teacher, and nothing can replace working at the bench top, having one’s hands and eyes on the samples, performing the analysis, and acquiring empirical knowledge of the nuances of a method. The experience gained offers immeasurable value to our clients as it allows us to share with them the wealth of our experience as it pertains to issues they may confront with their products and processes.
We emphasize to our employees the importance of continuous improvement following principles developed by experts such as W. Edwards Deming. We apply Six Sigma and other process improvement techniques throughout all departments. Our approach is to get better every day individually and subsequently, the services we provide will improve company-wide.
Ongoing education and professional growth are vital to our commitment to excellence and prevent us from falling behind as individuals and ultimately as an organization. We operate under the assumption that our clients are always working to get better, so we believe our responsibility is to match (or exceed) their efforts.
To provide exceptional service to our clients, we believe in being students as well as teachers, and never losing sight of the need to continue our education to improve the services we provide.